A great deal of talk these days about presenting strong female characters in fiction. For a time, until the end, Daenerys Targaryen was indeed that.
Until the showrunners, one presumes following what was outlined for them by GRRM thought it’d be great to subvert our expectations, and turn her into a murderous maniac.
If Game of Thrones is based upon The Wars of the Roses, it went way off track there. That was a historical conflict between rival claimants to the English Throne. It didn’t end with the least likely person to be made king - It ended with someone who had a legitimate claim installed upon the English Throne. But telling that story would have meant following a tried and true heroes journey, ending with either Jon Snow, or Daynerys on the Iron Throne.
Here’s a hint. In this case, no one would have been complaining about ‘Girl Power’ had Daynerys taken the throne. The show had been setting us up to view Daenerys as a savior, and it was a gut punch to unmake her as a villain in the final act.

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