Things aren't entirely as they first appear for these young space explorers in their dangerous journey back home!
Astra Lost in Space, is pretty amazing. I don't know how I can talk about it without ruining the surprises.
I'll put it like this. If you enjoy Battlestar Galactica, without all the angst, this is the show for you. This anime is able to be smart, while also maintaining its sense of fun.
It ticks all the expected anime boxes of course. Cute girls and characters which fit into certain categories or functions. Yet the context of the narrative you understand why each one is special - Which is the entire point of this anime.
OK. There is one narrative cheat. At least, it seemed like a cheat to me, involving planets and history which seems dependent on not telling the audience all the facts.
I really liked how they handled space travel and the ships were really cool looking. At first I wasn't too impressed by them until I got a better look as the series progressed, and these are very good ship designs, if somewhat "standard" in their make and model. But it makes sense.
Like it so much I binged it in one day.

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