Genndy Tartakovsky's Star Wars: Clone Wars series might be the superior Clone Wars.
The 2003 Clone Wars seamlessly fits into the Prequel Trilogy, without need of any gymnastics to make it make sense. That alone makes it the superior series.
Don't get me wrong, I like The Clone Wars TV series, it after all gave us Ahsoka Tano, but its also turned out to be the first place Disney began rewriting canon, and if you knew about the EU you can easily notice those moments where this took place. Mostly regarding matters of the Sith.
The other reason I feel Disney axed this was. Season 2 directly had George Lucas's blessing and encouragement and it leads more or less smoothly into Revenge of the Sith. Its a literal adaption of Episode III's opening crawl and I don't think Disney wanted anyone messing in their sandbox.
If you have not seen Genndy Tartakovsky's Clone Wars cartoon - Do yourself a favor and find it!

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