Denis Villeneuve's DUNE, exists somewhere between David Lynch's version and the SyFy Channel Miniseries.
Oddly this movie, much like David Lynch's version goes in for its own sort of invented outside the source text weirdness - And never once utters the phrase "Weirding Way", which is straight from the book.
I have an entire bone to pick with its word use, which is probably my biggest gripe...
In many instances this LOOKS like DUNE, yet often does not SOUND like DUNE. It sure is something when you take a very quotable book and only sparsely include its source verbiage in dialogue. Honestly this I found somewhat off-putting, since Frank Herbert's novel is my favorite book.
The blade work, is very real. I want to say, Stephen McKinley Henderson, is a standout as Thufir Hawat a role which could be dry yet he brings lots of personality to it.
This adaption is very surface level and tackles only the barest minimum of plot-points. That's to be expected in any adaption. However, having two other versions to compare it with, it ends up looking beautiful and yet thin where it comes to plot points and character development.
Both the Syfy and Lynch versions have more weight and immersion going on when it comes to worldbuilding - Though my issue here might yet link back to it often not sounding like DUNE.
I was somewhat surprised to see John Harrison is a producer on this movie. I only wish he got a stab at the script, since I think he could have added more depth.

The ornithopter, is really awesome, and properly from the novel. It looks REAL as if it could exist and function in our world now. If I didn't know it was an FX I'd almost think it were an actual flying machine!
Final thoughts. Overall I liked it. Too bad its not the whole story. I think it being "Part 1" of an as yet to be made movie hurts it. The John Harrison's/SyFy Channel version, remains the most upfront and honest and dare I say, faithful adaption and doesn't insert itself into the source material. Though I supposed until we see the completed story its hard to say that. I certainly will binge watch this when it 'Officially' arrives on HBO Max.

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