These Classic Transformers figures resonate with me more than what Hasbro currently is producing.
Let me put forth a contentious opinion.
Transformers Classics/Universe Optimus Prime, and his counterpart Megatron remain the superior figures, even if they are not exact likenesses of how they appeared in the Generations 1 cartoon.

More accurately, I should say they are more solidly constructed than what we are getting now. Sadly this will likely remain the case.
Yes Siege and Earthrise certainly have more evolved engineering and more refined articulation. The result of refining over decades and demands placed on Hasbro and Takara thanks to the Live-action movies.
Yet the Classics and Universe versions of these two Cybertronian leaders remain the more solid toys. The best way of saying it is. These figures continue to have the best "hand feel" as Vangelus would say. I am very glad to have them preside over their respective factions on my shelf.
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